I'm Idit Sharoni, your podcast host, your relationship expert, and your trusted therapist when it comes to relationship advice. Get ready for some great info and tips.
Well over 500,000 downloads, 70+ shows filled with my best kept secrets to make your relationship work. All are welcome, come as you are and tune into this life changing experience.
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Learn how to be a better listener and speaker in your relationship. I share tips about avoiding vicious cycles of communication so you stop ending up in repeated arguments and fights.
Learn how to heal your relationship after infidelity. I share my ideas and tips inspired by my years of experience working with couples in the aftermath of affairs and betrayal.
Learn how to enhance your relationship. I address various relationship and marriage issues and share tips on reconnecting, rekindling, and restarting.
Think about a recent argument with your partner. Why did it escalate? Was your communication guarded and unproductive? Did your partner complain that you were snarky and accusatory instead of apologetic? When all was said and done, did you ask yourself, “Why am I so defensive?” and wish you could take back your attack? You […]
Does broaching the subject of marriage counseling with your partner make you nervous? How can you convince your partner to try counseling, when you’re not sure where to start or how to make the idea attractive? First, know that it’s okay to ask for help. Your relationship deserves the best attention you can give it. […]
Infidelity is an emotional earthquake. Trust is shaken, maybe even shattered, as the foundation of your marriage tilts, shifts, and cracks. It’s scary to feel so out of sorts. You and your partner may be wondering what building trust after an affair looks like and who can help. Just know that if you’re considering marriage […]
When trust is shattered, it takes immense courage and commitment from both partners to pick up the broken pieces and fashion something new. The old relationship is not enough. You must work together to create a relationship that reflects a better, stronger, more fulfilling future. The work is challenging and the trauma is real. But, […]
Recovering after infidelity is one of the hardest challenges any couple can face. The shock, the pain, and the broken trust can feel overwhelming. But for couples who decide to stay together, healing is possible—if both partners are willing to do the work. However, there’s a common mistake that many couples make during affair recovery: […]
Once again,” the most wonderful time of the year” is here. Yet, for many couples, this season is often more stressful than joyful. Amid gift shopping, endless gatherings, and familial expectations, you, too, maybe losing sight of intimacy and connection with your partner. Talk to any couples therapist in Miami, FL. Partners often complain that […]
Have you ever wondered why some couples seem to never fight? They might even tout their lack of conflict as a sign of compatibility or kismet. Yet, something still feels a bit off in their relationship dynamic. Ask any couples therapist in Miami, FL, especially at our Relationship Experts office, couples therapy might seem counterintuitive, […]
Are you making your way in our bustling city, going through the motions of building your life, but feeling lost and lonely in your most significant relationship? You’re not alone. Many couples drift apart and contemplate couples therapy in Miami, FL. Not because the love isn’t there, but because they’re experiencing something called emotional neglect. […]
Are you and your spouse trapped in a pattern of recycled arguments, withdrawal, and resentment? Is sharing your thoughts and feelings unsafe or unheard? Do you routinely feel misunderstood, rejected, or dismissed? Having offered quality couples therapy in Miami, FL for years, Relationship Experts knows how important it is to support couple communication. If you […]
If you’ve considered marriage counseling, then you might have heard about the “couples assessment” you’re asked to submit. It might even make you nervous at first. What questions will you have to ask? What judgments will be made? Is it a test? Can you flunk it? Rest assured, at Relationship Experts we don’t flunk any […]
Do you long for more camaraderie, closeness, conflict resolution, and trust? Everyone wants a nurturing, healthy, satisfying relationship. Yet, the road to that kind of connection is not always clear. Professional help is a valuable option for enhancing mutual support and understanding. After years of offering marriage counseling in Miami, FL, we know that the […]
We live in a fast-paced, digitally-driven world. Even if you know you need it, carving out time for couples therapy can feel impossible. After all, who can have a coherent, constructive conversation amid family obligations and the daily work grind? Not to fear. Couples therapy needn’t be a weekly nightmare of dual commutes, calendar coordination, […]
Affair recovery. No one wants to need it. No one wants the guilt, shock, confusion, or hurt that calls for it. Yet, knowing that someone has the compassion, training, and expertise to help you heal can be the greatest comfort during the worst period in your marriage. While offering marriage counseling in Miami, FL, I’ve […]
Katie is losing patience. Greg is seriously considering giving up. Neither partner feels positive or hopeful after another session with their couple’s counselor. Defeated and spent, they question their future. After hours of venting their troubles, they have little perspective and even less sense of progress. So what’s gone wrong here? Isn’t couples therapy the […]
Conflict avoidance in relationships is common but is it healthy? Perhaps you think it’s no big deal to repeatedly sweep an offense or annoyance under the rug or bottle up your emotions for the sake of a good day together. Maybe you feel that sacrificing your feelings about your partner’s choices or behavior is a […]
The decision to stay after an affair is brave and rewarding, but it is full of challenges. It’s no surprise that post-affair pain and confusion can complicate the road back to each other. It also goes without saying that remorse and apologies come with affair recovery territory. Or do they? What if an apology for […]
If you are a couple trying to manage and resolve communication issues in Miami, FL, then you are like many couples in New York City, Chicago, Denver, and L.A. In other words, you are not alone. In any relationship, communication can become anxious or complicated. It comes with relationship territory. Particularly when it comes to […]
All you want to do is talk. Really talk. Maybe you long to hold hands across a picnic blanket or stroll somewhere quiet. Perhaps you often wish that you could find somewhere local and secluded to check in with each other. Wouldn’t it be nice to routinely anticipate reconnecting with your partner without all the […]
Infidelity rocks the relationship world you know. It’s not just the betrayal, though that’s devastating. It’s the consequences of the affair that turn everything on end. We call this the aftermath of infidelity. It is the fallout of unfaithfulness, and how we interpret it, that shakes us. The way we navigate judgment in the aftermath of […]
When we talk about infidelity in a relationship, most of us think about a “cheater” and their betrayed significant other. Yet, affairs are often not so simple. Unfaithfulness by just one partner may only be the tip of a couple’s infidelity iceberg. Some relationships must do the tough work of joint affair recovery when […]
Unresolved anger and resentment are relationship toxins. The inner turmoil and hurtful interaction created by disappointment or indifference test any relationship. But what happens when your anger and resentment are created by the betrayal of infidelity? If you’re like many couples deciding to stay together after an affair, you have a lot on your relationship […]
Relationship issues often stem from troubled communication. Lack of validation, indifference, or poor listening are often factors. Are you and your partner stuck in a cycle of arguing and upset? Do you push each other away instead of treasuring time together? If so, you may find yourselves in an unhealthy pattern. Distance, discomfort, and disdain […]
In your mind, your love is real and solid. You know your heart belongs to your husband. In this relationship, you love to be with him making memories and building a life together. You believe you’ve made your feelings plain and are walking the talk. Unfortunately, your partner flatly disagrees. To your great frustration, he […]
How does rebuilding trust in relationships happen? Especially after an affair? Particularly after you discover the betrayal, endure the initial confusion, and decide to stay together? Where do you even start? How do you know what steps to take next? First, please know that the trust issues you are experiencing are completely normal. Restoring your connection […]
If you and your partner are on the difficult road to healing after infidelity, learning to trust each other and the strength of your connection is likely uppermost in your mind. Are you confused and anxious about how you will rebuild trust and feel anything akin to the love you once knew? As a couples […]
In your relationship, you know that you shouldn’t speak to each other that way. You understand that your partner’s last comment was an insult, not a “joke.” You may even realize that neither of you is thriving amid the habitual sarcasm or silent treatment. Please know that you are not alone. Many couples are struggling […]
Is it time to work on your relationship? Are you and your partner ready to commit to working on your connection? Have you been perusing websites and social media trying to vet available couples therapists? Are you clicking on internet bios and “About” pages, weighing the pros and cons of pouring out the details of […]
What is it like when things don’t go the way you think they should between you and your partner? Are you too often irritated and fuming due to your partner’s seeming inconsiderate, insensitive, or selfish behavior? Or perhaps, your lack of boundaries has left you feeling drained and unappreciated by the one you lean on […]
The pain of discovery or disclosure. The broken life that comes with broken trust. The exhaustion and dread of seeking the truth. And the anxiety of not knowing the lover you thought you knew. All of that is emotional trauma, and there is no shame in saying so. Yet, throughout the experience, the temptation to […]
Knowing how to apologize after cheating is difficult. Is “I’m sorry” enough to settle matters between you and your partner after infidelity? Not likely. Will the deceit of an affair be immediately forgiven and your path toward a new future set? Probably not. The truth? Your desire to put the past behind you can conflict […]
Did you know that intimacy in your relationship is a function of how well you and your partner communicate? It’s true. After all, who wants to make love to a person who routinely dismisses their point of view or can’t be bothered to share their own thoughts when asked? Opening up to each other is […]
By the time most couples consider couples therapy, things have gotten pretty tough. If you and your partner are hurting, you aren’t alone. If you are exhausted, frustrated, and thoroughly confused by the conflict and lack of communication, we understand. Feeling stuck is scary. Right now, it may feel like your relationship is too broken […]
If you are like legions of other couples, you understand what terms like “roommate syndrome”, “sexless marriage”, or “desire discrepancy“ mean in a long-term relationship. Altogether, you can lump such relationship trouble into a category called “intimacy issues.” And no matter how much you avoid or ignore them, they don’t go away on their own. […]
Type “communication issues” in your internet browser. What comes up? Likely, you’re viewing a list of blogs and articles with somewhat glum titles like: “10 Communication Problems and Mistakes in Most Relationships.” “The 14 Most Common Communication Challenges for Struggling Couples.” “Are These Critical Communication Issues Complicating Your Connection?” Were you hoping for something a […]
You’ve had those moments, haven’t you? Moments when your partner gets exasperated and accuses you of “not listening” to them in the middle of a conversation. Perhaps you roll your eyes or immediately feel offended and instantly shoot back, “I am listening!” But did you really stop to consider whether that claim is actually true […]
As a therapist, I witness couples amid their deepest challenges and uncertainties. I am with them in those life-changing moments as they heal from marital betrayal. And the question so often asked is, “How can someone who loves me betray me?” Hurt partners find it difficult to understand the duality of love and the […]
Are you and your partner stuck? As a couple, has your marriage become so boring and routine that you find it difficult to connect on much anymore? That dissatisfied feeling of monotony or stifling disconnect and loneliness in a relationship is often called a “rut.” Much like the deep, worn trenches in a well-traveled road, […]
Perhaps you and your partner generally like to stay away from conflict. You might even go so far as to pat yourselves on the back for not differing much or disagreeing at all. Or maybe you’re another sort of couple. The sort that engages in your fair share of dispute and debate. Differing opinions may […]
“Consistency is the true foundation of trust. Either keep your promises or do not make them.” — Roy T. Bennett People talk about trust all the time: how much they should or shouldn’t trust others. How much they do or don’t trust themselves. Whether their trust issues are justified. Yet, broken trust between partners due […]
If you think it might be time for couples therapy, you are definitely not alone. Right now, scores of couples like you are searching Google for the right therapist to help them save their relationships. You too, may be scrolling through strange names and websites, hoping to find a therapist whose face or “about me” […]
You are still together. You’ve chosen affair recovery and decided to move from crisis to understanding. Truth and rebuilding trust are what matter now. A safe, secure, and successful relationship is your primary focus. Embracing the next phase of recovery requires hard questions and hard work. Are you ready? You can do this. Though you […]
Effective apologies are crucial in any relationship, especially after an affair. However, saying “I’m sorry” may not be enough to repair the damage caused by infidelity. As an unfaithful partner, it can be frustrating to apologize. To feel like your efforts are going unnoticed. Meanwhile, your partner may struggle to accept your apologies. Or move […]
Effective communication is an essential element of any successful relationship. It serves as the foundation for building trust, understanding, and intimacy between partners. Yet, communication can be challenging. Many couples struggle to connect with one another. In this blog, we will explore the art of communication and tips from a communication therapist on how to […]
Have you wondered whether conventional couples therapy can help you heal from infidelity? Is it effective for affair recovery? Do you want helpful options in the aftermath of infidelity? You aren’t alone. Unfortunately, there isn’t much information out there to truly educate struggling couples. Though it seems that conventional or traditional couples therapy is the […]
Relationships have become more complicated than ever with the complexities that have become everyday life. With the constant pressure of work and social obligations. Additionally, balancing personal life and maintaining a healthy relationship can be challenging. When couples experience problems, it may seem easier for them to brush it off and chalk it up to […]
When it comes to marriage, intimacy, and connection, both physical and emotional, are important for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Sometimes, keeping these aspects alive in the marriage can be a challenge. As a married couple, you may find yourselves struggling to keep the spark alive. This is where marriage counseling can be valuable. As […]
Infidelity can be a devastating blow to any relationship. It can shatter trust, and create feelings of betrayal and abandonment. It can leave partners struggling to find a way to move forward. Infidelity is possible to overcome relationship trauma. To rebuild your connection with your partner with the help of marriage counseling. In this blog, […]
You don’t want to miss this article. In fact, I can’t believe we haven’t talked about this before. Why? Because this topic is too important to skip. What I’m about to share with you has a way of hiding in the shadows of too many relationships… First, you probably know that infidelity happens for all […]
Effective communication is crucial in any relationship, particularly in romantic relationships. It allows couples to build trust, strengthen emotional intimacy, and navigate conflict in a healthy and constructive way. Effective communication also can help couples to create a deeper understanding of each other. From their thoughts and feelings to their needs and wants. All of […]
Healthy relationships are essential to our well-being. They provide us with emotional support, a sense of belonging, and a meaningful connection with others. Healthy relationships also improve our physical and mental health. They can also lower our stress levels, and increase our happiness. Research has shown that people in healthy relationships tend to live longer […]
Relationships are an integral part of our lives, and while we may strive for perfection, it is the imperfections that make us human. It is in embracing our vulnerabilities that we create meaningful and fulfilling connections with our partners. As a Marriage Counselor in Florida with years of experience helping couples save their relationships, I […]
As a marriage counselor, I have had the privilege of working with countless couples who are seeking to strengthen their relationships. I have seen firsthand the challenges that couples face and the steps they can take to overcome them. In this blog, I will share with you some of the most important lessons that I […]
Sometimes, couples can be unaware of the habits that make relationships work. Although living together, sleeping in the same bed, sharing a bank account, and raising children mean being in a relationship, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee happiness and fulfillment. Perhaps, if we are more mindful of our actions and habits, we can create the type […]
We spend so much time in our relationships trying to make our partners or spouses more like us. During courtship, we actually find the things that make us different quite attractive. So, we usually pick those who are not the mere image of ourselves and, at first, it’s very charming. But later on, those characteristics […]
When thinking about the upcoming holidays, we become more sensitive. We develop all types of expectations of how we should be loved and cared for. However, sometimes don’t discuss those with our partners. So, couples are putting themselves in a situation where they are bound to get disappointed. For example, you may expect to receive […]
When it comes to having fun in relationships, couples often think the way to go about this is to have one-on-one date nights. The romantic dinner, the candles, the heart-to-heart talks over a glass of wine… The serious atmosphere as you both work to get more connected can set the tone for the evening. You […]
As a couples therapist, I will tell you it’s not uncommon to miss opportunities to connect with your partner. You may have had a difficult day at work. Or be struggling with some personal challenges that leave you feeling stressed and disconnected. Leading you to not return their attempts to connect, or even react negatively […]
You and your partner have slowly drifted apart. It seems like the passion and desire you both once had has devolved. The quality is not where you both want it to be or you’re not having enough of it. In lack of other terms, your sex life is dead or dying. You feel pressured to […]
We are very excited and thankful to interview psychotherapist and hypnotherapist Douglas Flemons, Ph.D., LMFT. Both Yael (my co-host and in-house therapist) and I, having had the opportunity to learn hypnotherapy and therapy from him in different capacities, greatly appreciated Dr. Flemons’s willingness to meet with us and share his valuable message. Introducing Douglas Flemons […]
The final portion of my conversation with the founder of the Relational Life Institute and well-known family therapist, speaker, and author, Terry Real, is located below. His newest book, Us: Getting Past You and Me to Build a More Loving Relationship details how Relational Life Therapy helps hurting couples heal and move forward together. Why […]
Terry Real is an internationally recognized family therapist, speaker, and author. He is the founder of the Relational Life Institute and wrote I Don’t Want to Talk About It, the quintessential book on male depression. He is also the marriage counselor Ester Perel turns to and Bruce Springsteen and Bradley Cooper are among his clients […]
Let’s be clear. If you ask me, “How long does affair recovery take?” I will not be the therapist that tells you how long you and your spouse should be taking to heal. Instead, I’ll provide you with tools to make an educated estimate. Why? Our guidance is based on years of experience working with […]
Choosing the Expert Your Relationship Deserves What makes a therapist a relationship expert? How can you make sure that you’re hiring the most qualified relationship expert to help you save your marriage? We can all agree that not all therapists are relationship experts. Moreover, there are those who call themselves relationship experts who are not […]
Are you hurting badly now and wondering whether infidelity pain will ever go away? Are you concerned about what life will be like after you heal? This is not unusual. These thoughts, or similar worries, are concerns that both hurt and unfaithful partners share. This is particularly true for couples who are trying to heal […]
Your relationship is not in a good place and you’re losing hope. You’ve tried everything you can think of to make it better, but things are just not working. You and your partner are still committed to each other, even after all that has happened, but you need some support to make things work. Relationships […]
You and your partner have been feeling a little disconnected lately. It’s hard to find time to really talk in the midst of the everyday chaos. Or maybe you do talk, but it’s all business and you’re tired of just talking about the day’s latest events. You miss feeling connected, having fun together, and let’s […]
The primary thing to understand about infidelity PTSD? Hurt partners don’t only hurt when the infidelity is disclosed. The pain of betrayal in a committed relationship can persist for quite a long time afterward. Particularly if you don’t have a recovery plan in place. What do you do when your thoughts won’t cooperate with your […]
Can an affair recovery program save our relationship? As you know, I’m wholly dedicated to helping committed couples save their marriages with recovery in mind. Half of my practice is traditional couples therapy. The other half is focused on couples seeking guidance and support in the aftermath of infidelity. My program, It’s Okay to Stay, […]
What do you do when everything shifts after an affair? How do you recover when the bottom falls out of everything you’ve known about your relationship in the aftermath of relationship infidelity? Often post-traumatic stress, as it pertains to the hurt partner, is linked to the unknowns connected to the betrayal. The pain of discovery […]
In the aftermath of infidelity, what does a hurt partner need most? Think about that question for a moment. What thoughts come to mind? Most people, including unfaithful partners, or even therapists answer the same way. Hurt partners need true remorse from the betrayer, to forgive, and to know why among other things. Of course, […]
It is not uncommon to assume that because we’ve been with our partner for so long, we know them too well and they know us too well to guess what we need or want. Likewise, it is not uncommon to get extremely frustrated and annoyed when our partner is not doing or saying what we […]
Are you concerned that you may not be able to heal from infidelity? Is your affair recovery on hold? If you’ve been going through affair recovery for a while now, you may be asking yourself these questions and others. When you find it difficult or even impossible to move past the pain, you start to […]
When we think of healing from an affair, we focus on the betrayal of the faithful partner. We rarely think of the unfaithful partner’s wounded mind. In fact, the unfaithful partner’s ability to recover from the affair is quite routinely ignored. And when it comes to women’s affairs? Well, there’s even less attention paid to healing for unfaithful women.
Are you facing an acute issue in your relationship? Not the occasional arguing. Not the odd bickering. I’m talking about the serious stuff.
Perhaps you’re even considering divorce. Maybe you found out your partner had an affair. Or, possibly, you’ve tired of tolerating a sex-starved marriage. All of these circumstances are very painful, sensitive issues that couples sometimes have to manage.
Are you and your spouse equal partners in your relationship? Or has one of you become more of a parent to the other? Please keep reading.
Have you ever thought about who’s going to heal your pain after infidelity? Are you a hurt partner seeking therapy to get over your pain? Please keep reading.
When things are bad between you and your partner it may feel like you need to pray for divine intervention–a miracle– to make things good again.
Don’t fret! And don’t give up! What you really need is a relationship strategy. A strategy that will help you see your partner and your issues with fresh eyes. A strategy so effective it will feel like a miracle.
I hear too many disappointed couples sharing stories of how they “failed” therapy. Often, they share that they stopped counseling because there was no improvement in their situations.
This article is a must on your essential list of relationship resources. Why? Because when we mess up we whine. We pout. We dole out righteous indignation. Or we verbally punch back much too hard.
Healing. Trust building. Letting go of the past.It’s all part of moving forward after infidelity.If you’ve been hurt by the betrayal of the one you love, this might be one of the most trying times in your life. And the most confusing, if you’ve decided to stay.
You’ve heard it before: “Once a cheater – always a cheater.” Maybe you’ve said it yourself a time or two. Yet now, as you struggle to cope with the aftermath of infidelity in your own relationship, you may be wondering if the saying applies to the person you love.
“I said I was sorry!” Tense and exhausted by the fallout of your unfaithfulness, you repeat your apologies. You’re likely anxious and upset, eager to recover and move on. Yet, the wounds of your partner remain open, the betrayal and all its consequences, remain unaddressed, and forgiveness remains out of reach. Why can’t you get past this? Why doesn’t “I’m sorry” work, no matter how much you say you are?
You know you love your partner. Whether you are at home cuddling on the couch or out for drinks with a couple of old friends, your love doesn’t change. Yet, your partner seems to feel cheated out of time with you when you’re not together. Have they expressed that he or she doesn’t feel like you are showing them enough care and appreciation?
Any relationship that lasts more than a decade deserves special recognition. Yet, with that recognition comes the realization that just because your relationship is firmly established doesn’t mean there aren’t issues, challenges, and problems you want to address. However, many long-term couples like you wonder:
When I think about guilt after betrayal, I realize that it is usually associated with the betraying partner. A simple search online reveals tons of articles about feeling guilty after cheating. However, my work with couples in the healing stages following infidelity actually shows that guilt exists in both partners.
Putting your trust in a complete stranger is not simple and becomes even more challenging if you’re trying to follow the guidance of a list you found online or names someone gave you to call and choose from.
Many couples believe that sexual drought is a phase that will eventually fade away or is simply the nature of a long-term relationship. I will challenge that perception and help you get things going in the right direction!
Are you wondering if your relationship can go back to normal after a pregnancy or first baby? This is not an uncommon question for modern-day couples who experience pregnancy in the early stages of their relationship. You’re exhausted. You’re feeling disconnected.
How well do you and your partner handle money as a couple? Are you aware of how it influences your relationship, and how to keep it from ruining your connection?
Why is it some couples can heal after infidelity while others can’t? In one of my Facebook groups called ‘It’s OK to Stay,’ a member shared her dilemma: “Hi, Idit, …I was cheated on five years ago and stayed with my husband…It’s been five years and I feel the pain worse than ever. I can’t […]
“This is our last chance before a divorce. We either change or we give up on this relationship. We’ve tried it all: talk about it, not talk about it, pray, be nice, be aggressive, you name it, we tried it. Nothing worked.” Sound familiar? Is your relationship resistant to change? Many couples come to me […]
After several visits to your home country with your partner, you notice that every trip becomes so overwhelming to the point you end up rethinking the whole thing. You try to make everyone happy, but instead you and everyone else end up disappointed. What if you could plan a stress-free visit back home? One that […]
How many times have you been told by your partner you should have a date night for just the two of you? You may have heard experts say that date nights are the ultimate solution to enhancing relationships. Maybe you’ve even thought about it yourself many times. Despite this common advice, date nights spent alone will probably […]
Expression of remorse is one of the most important parts of affair recovery. However, many unfaithful partners learn that saying “I’m sorry” just doesn’t do the trick. There’s more to remorse than being sorry. One of the very first things I look for in affair recovery sessions is whether or not there is remorse and […]
Are you having a hard time finding relationship balance in today’s world? You want to be in a happy relationship but between all the emails, text messages, work life, family time, me time, social media etc, nurturing your relationship has been put in the back burner. Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: [list-ul type=”arrow2″][li-row]The […]
If you are in the aftermath of infidelity, you probably feel the need to know the truth and nothing but. The questions is: Will the truth after infidelity actually set you free? The answer to this is not as simple as it may seem. If the truth really does set you free, then how […]
Do you ever feel like your partner is acting superior? Better than you? Smarter? Most likely, it’s because they use contempt as one of their communication styles with you. Not many people know how poisonous contempt is to a relationship. It is actually found to be the number one (!) predictor of divorce. To […]
After discussing trust and what it means to regain it in part 1, we are now ready to start talking about why you should or shouldn’t stay with your unfaithful partner. In part 2 of this episode series, you get the Why Stay Inventory – a list you can go down by to assess your […]
Almost every person who has been through infidelity is exposed to the following myths. You probably heard it from people around you or read it somewhere. No matter where they come from, when you’re in the aftermath of infidelity you want to avoid infidelity myths as much as possible. They have the potential to push […]
Are you looking for signs to get back together with your ex? Or maybe you are just flirting with the idea of rekindling with your ex. Getting back together with your ex is a thought that goes through many people’s minds after a breakup. Whether the breakup was recent or some time has passed, it […]
Tips to maximize your marriage counseling
All about affair recovery, healing and trust building
Tips to improve your couples communication
Tips and ideas to improve your relationship
I'm glad you're here and I'd like to welcome you as the host of Relationships Uncomplicated Podcast and the creator of iditsharoni.com. A relationship focused practice for couples and individuals who want to make their relationships work.
*A Miami based licensed marriage & family therapist, podcaster, and couples’ educator. My happiest days are spent in my office with couples or behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with people all over the world.
My biggest strength is giving my clients tools to make real, lasting changes. I don't believe in "venting sessions" and I know that they do not help couples transform their relationship. So, a big part of my work is making sure you get the right tools and guidance from an expert who knows relationships. My podcast is my way of giving back to the community by offering free tips and tools to all.
I believe in strong relationships and I love helping people like you transform their most important connection.
tune-in for my best tips!
The journey to healing and forgiveness starts with genuine remorse that is expressed continuously and offers value. But this is not going to be enough if the hurt partner's pain isn't heard. Learn steps to help the hurt partner's pain be heard.
This episode has gone viral and has tens of thousands of downloads, so I hope it helps you too!
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For those dealing with relationship issues, even including infidelity, this podcast is absolute gold. This incredibly valuable information and insight based on the hosts’ years of experience and citations of research make this a trustworthy, precious gift to listeners!! I am so, so grateful!
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