“This is our last chance before a divorce. We either change or we give up on this relationship. We’ve tried it all: talk about it, not talk about it, pray, be nice, be aggressive, you name it, we tried it. Nothing worked.” Sound familiar? Is your relationship resistant to change?
Many couples come to me stating that no matter what they do, their relationship is stuck and is resistant to change. While change isn’t always easy, it is achievable; even in the most difficult, toxic and explosive relationships.
Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:
- A real case scenario of why most couples have a hard time applying REAL change in their relationship.
- A common complaint in couples, is that they do not spend much time with their partner or that their partner does not make time for them. Therefore, sometimes one of the partners changes their routine to spend more time with their wife/husband. But even when that is done, somehow, something failed and the time spend together became insignificant. On this episode, I give you pointers on how to obtain an impactful change and creating value with the time spent together.
- If you are waiting for your partner to change first so that later on you can improve too, then you and your relationship are in big trouble. Instead of waiting, I tell you what you can do to save your relationship.
- We are not really resistant to change, we usually are just afraid of change, comfortable how we are, and/or blind on how our ways of thinking limit us.
Check Out These Highlights:
What happens when you simply wait for your partner to improve. (5:15)
The huge reason why change either happens or does not happen. (6:55)
The positive and negative perspectives on relationships. (7:27)
The 2 most important components to achieve change in your relationship (12:43)