One of the hardest things to do is to admit you’re in an unhealthy relationship. Although the toxic relationship warning signs are there in front of you, you might avoid making a decision. We picked the 5 top toxic relationship warning signs so you can see for yourself.
I asked my co-host and breakup specialist Alina Gershonov to come up with top toxic relationship warning signs. We wanted to help you understand if your relationship is unhealthy or even toxic. So, we prepared an episode that puts some order in what seems to be a big mess to folks experiencing toxic relationships.
To be clear, warning signs are there to warn you, but they do not necessarily mean you must end the relationship. They are intended to help you step out of your position deep in the trenches to have a different perspective almost like of an outsider.
We want you to:
- Identify your relationship: Do you experience any of the warning signs? Are you in love or is this a destructive addiction?
- Start creating clarity in how you view your relationship as the first step towards making a decision about whether to stay or leave.
- Take action to safeguard your mental health and your happiness.
If you want the full “10 Warning Signs You’re In A Toxic Relationship“, please download it here.
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